Ready to Have a Quickie with Jenn? 🤣

Welcome to the Content Quickies Show

We get in and out while leaving you blissfully happy and wanting more... 

More talk about entrepreneurship, that is.

We've designed this show as a free virtual stage for driven coaches, course creators and thought leaders. We'll share stories about the ups and downs of business and things we've learned.

Heyo! I’m Jenn Neal - Founder and 15 year-owner of my digital agency, Formula Done. I'm also a super nerd, Formula 1 race fan and married to my drag racing nemesis. (Hence the auto racing theme here...)

Being in the industry for this long, I’ve made a lot of business owner friends and keep making more! One of the things that continues to fascinate me is how unique each business is - and also how similar.

We all make money in totally unique ways - and we all need a bigger audience and more leads.

Sometimes we just want a soap box - a place to share our expertise and message. Sometimes we want a bit of guidance or support to better our efforts. 

And that is just what this show is all about. (It’s kind of like one of those old choose your own adventure books…)

Looking to start making money from your old content, but need some fresh eyes to take a look at your numbers to see what you could improve? I’ve got you! 

Join me on the Content Quickies show for a Content Audit, where I’ll deep dive into your current efforts and give you some actionable tips you can implement right away.

What you'll need:

  • Select a social channel or specific video you want to maximize

  • Make sure you have login access

  • Have handy anywhere that you use content - website, YouTube, social media, etc.

What you'll receive:

  • 30 min 1:1 consult with me where I will identify problems that need to be addressed to improve lead generation.

  • Tips on how to effectively repurpose your content and other opportunities to further accelerate sales and marketing results.

  • Actionable steps to increase your online presence.

  • Promotion of you and your content on our social media and YouTube channels

Already excelling in business, and want to share some of your secrets with the world? 

Join me on the Content Quickies show as a Content Master and show off your mad skills! 

What you'll need:

  • A topic and description of the talk you’d like to give,

  • A short bio for introduction,

  • Some juicy stories to share,

  • A free gift with an affiliate link for us,

  • Promote your episode with at least one email and one social media post

What you'll receive:

** Your free gift will be featured in the Content Quickies Garage and promoted to our email list

Content Quickies Garage

Our vault full of FREE gifts for our viewers.

Park your gift in our garage and watch your list grow effortlessly as people opt in for your gift!  

Don’t want your gift to get lost in the masses?

I’ve got you covered. Along with your application will be an opportunity to boost your presence and utilize our Content Activation methods to increase your reach, exposure and authority.

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